Monday, May 4, 2009

jia rong's bufday

t0day is jia rong's bufday...
i,chee yen,huie cheen,yuen yee,desmond,jun mun,chee kent and zhen ying celebrate his bufday with he at KFC...^^
about 1.30pm,nine of us go KFC together...
we all order 18 pieces of chicken...
each ppl got 2 pieces...^^yummy^^
wen desmond,jun mun,chee kent and zhen ying buying de chicken,huie cheen go giant buy a small ice cream cake^^after she buy,we take "da he zhao" first oni v sing happy bufday song to he...wen v eat finish,wan chian suddenly cum and tell us"chun kit said pn.revathy was searching us"we vy scare,den faster run back t0 sch...
wen we reach sch,oni we noe chun kit is playing us...damn stupid la he...haha...
t0day real vy happy o^^

jia rong,happy bufday ya^^

~~b3ar b3ar~~

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